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Affy doctor vs. his young bare patient – a med battle!

Posted in Voyeur by admin on the May 5th, 2009

Nasty male doctor checks a nude chest

Dasha, this lovelie in specs, whose titty is gripped by a doc’s palm in a rubber glove, is a candidate for a well-paid office work. She has been asked to go thru a formal hospital survey – no problems! Nonetheless, wazzup?

The male doctor makes this viability exam in a highly dirty way (he even snaps her naked photographs!) and moreover, she hasta pass through a gyno inspection – a metal dilatant stretches her tight pinkie! Oh, my god!

Kinky nude medical ass examination

Cute nuddy Dasha gets palpated, rated, photographed and all holes touched up in 26 min med fetish flick and 97 extra-fine pics – download at SpecialExamination.com!

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